Bear OPS, a division of Bear and Son Cutlery, proudly presents the new Bear Songs butterfly series a collaborative effort between BladeRunners Systems aka BRS and Bear OPS. The Bear Song model B-201-OR4-P Trainer features Blaze Orange machine textured G-10 handles. The 4 3/8-inch blade is 154CM with a bead blast finish and overall length is 9.75 inches. The pocket clip can be placed at anyone of 4 positions for tip up carry or it can be removed totally. Another key feature, the latch can be swapped right to left. To provide unmatched action and smoothness the blade rides on 304 bearing surface pivots and phosphorus bronze washers. Screw together construction makes for easy adjustment and cleaning.
So whether an officer is just starting to learn how to flip or they are just wanting to improve their skills the Bear Song Trainer model B-201-B4-P is ideal.